Thursday, March 17, 2011



   The last stage in the production process is mastering your beat. Here is where you start editing the mix, taking out all unwanted sounds and any mistakes. Most beat makers use professionals to master there beat but you can master your beat yourself as long as you approach the process with fresh ears. Do not try to master your beat right after you have created it, you will not be able to hear the beat correctly.
   During the beat mastering process you use the same tools used when mixing, the difference is that instead of applying adjustments to individual parts of your beat in mastering you will be working with the beat as a whole entity.

   A mastering engineer's job is to make the beat jump out of the speaker without being distorted. Dynamic processors, such as compressors and limiters are an important part of this part of the mastering game. Familiarize yourself with the different types of processors that you have by applying them to your beat and listening for the way the processor adds to or subtracts from the overall sound you are trying to achieve.

   Most of us know what we want our beat to sound like. With that in mind the only mastering beat tip a true beat maker needs is to tweak your beat till she is freaking like you want her to freak and don't stop until you hear what you want to hear. Take your time and schedule a couple of days to work with your beat. This way you won't miss anything you need to get rid of or something that sounds so good you might want it to stick out even more! Until next time HANIF DA GREAT!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Make Your Beats Fire

When you start out making beats you will probably try to get your beats to sound as loud as possible. Thinking that is the only way to compete with other beat makers. That is not the case at all.
You can make your beats fire by taking sounds out at the right time, remember it is not about how or what you play it is the mood you are setting that is going to make your beats stand out.
Take the drums out and let the music ride for a minute especially if you are one of the few beat makers who do their own hook before letting an artist hear the beat….Bringing sounds in and out will give your tracks some drama.
Listen to most songs—Hear how the beat backs up the vocals by dropping out so the listener can focus on the punchlines.
This applies to all types of music - by taking out parts of the beat, you can completely change the feel of it.
Get the mud out of your beat. Eq frequencies to give them there on space to shine. Add effects to your instruments at different points to completely alter the sound to excite the listener. Every now and then people need the beat to do something extra so they don’t get bored.
No matter what a rapper, singer, or songwriter thinks or says if the beat aint hot nobody is going to listen.
Remove the wall of sound for a second how many songs do you know of went platinum without a fire beat. The beat maker is the backbone to an artist success. Focus on your craft, turn the noise down!
Beat makers leave too much volume in their tracks! That takes away from that melody you work so hard to create, it takes away from those smaller parts that make you say damn run that back so I can hear that again!
Remember Good Beats make people say turn that sh*t Up!!!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Make Beats

Before you begin to make beats you need to ask yourself-----Why am I doing this? Is it for money, fame, or is making beats something you feel… is a part of you! There is nothing wrong with making money or fame. But the career minded beat maker knows that money and fame does not come overnight.
The beat making industry is filled with one hit wonders who instead of staying true to their craft fell off the map. Yeah-- fad followers do get paid, but once the dance has become old or people are not saying that phrase anymore it is hard for a fad follower to find themselves.
So basically what I am saying is when you make beats as in everything else in life being yourself is your number one asset. Next, (if you don’t already know) you need to learn bars, measures, beats, time signature, tempo, and music theory. You don’t have to memorize these things to be able to spit them on request just know, for yourself what they are and how they are used in beat making.
Other things like how to stack, eq, and compress will come with time and practice. Do not go out and buy the most expensive beat making hardware or software. It is not about the machine -----It is the beat maker that is using it!!! Work on developing your skills and you’ll be able to make a fire as beat no matter what machine is in front of you--- They all basically function the same.
Groove, groove, groove…….If you don’t remember anything else remember this! It is not about who plays the best or the most instruments. There are beat makers (that I personally know) who cannot read sheet music cannot play instruments but know how to groove and they are getting paid well for it. I also know classically trained---Graduates from this school and that school (don’t want to bad mouth the school –so I won’t name names) who can’t produce sh*t because they are so limited by their higher learning they don’t understand groove.
Making beats is as easy as kick on the one snare on the two and four high hat on every other, That right there is a very simple start after that the magic happens you start taking that muthaf*^ka where you want to take it you become one with your beat like some karate kid or kung fu master jedi.
If you are a beginner at this beat making thang check out me and my partna video we came up with some tight a@s software to get you started! If you already have something you can make beats on check out the rest of my blog and keep coming back cause I’m a load this thang up with all type of information ya’ll gone be able to use to get paid. Follow this link to check out the beat making software.
I’m a throw up some more videos to go along with the ones for the software and I’m a let ya’ll in on some real industry secrets……The Great Hanif    peace!!!